Sylfen gives you autonomy

Even though it is now easy and affordable to produce your clean, and local, energy, it isn't easy to secure your energy supply. This is due to intermittences of renewable energy productions (solar, photovoltaic). This is the last concern to succeed with the energy transition movement.

To solve this issue, and always use your own supply of energy, you need capabilities to store excess of local energy productions.

Sylfen and its scientific partner CEA (french national technology R&D institute) developped a secured large capacity energy storage solution, capable of valuing local production of energy. We combine the energy density of hydrogen with conventional batteries. This allow us to store sufficient energy to supply a whole building all year round.

The energy vector hydrogen can either be used to power cars with fuel cell technologies or to produce back electricity and heat from cogeneration to supply buildings or eco-districts. This allows anyone to get energy from irregular production sources.

As a result, you can now get your own energy, produced locally and respectful from the environment, 365 days a year.

Renewable energies
are now a reality

These are reliable technologies, with decreasing costs. In parallel, many technologies provide benefits in energy efficiency, in order to reduce consumptions. We manage energy with Smart Grids, and large companies are transitioning to green energy one after the other. Conditions are now almost there to succeed with energy transition.

Why conditions are only almost there ?

Because there is one problem remaining : the capacity to store energy at low costs.

Local energy production implies a local management too. This is in line with the pressing demand to develop responsible energy production, at human scale. This forces energy to be traceable, in short circuits, in charge of local communities and within a sharing economy. In order to manage large scale of renewable energies, the local networks need to have storage capabilities.

is the future of energy

In the field of energy, hydrogen is a disruptive innovation. It can extend the autonomy of batteries. It is an efficient solution to store local energy and re-use it later on : to power clean cars, and to produce electricity and heat for all sorts of needs.

Wherever there is life, energy is needed.


Sylfen provides the last technological assets for a clean, local and renewable energy supply.

Learn more about energy transition

Le bâtiment autonome en énergie n’est pas autarcique

10 Oct 2017

L’énergie d’origine renouvelable créée à l’échelle locale, dans les territoires, est faite pour être partagée. Le bâtiment autonome en énergie s’inscrit dans la continuité des efforts entrepris pour la transition énergétique.

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La sécurité hydrogène, c’est encore les pompiers qui en parlent le mieux

08 Nov 2016

Les pompiers de La Manche utilisent des voitures fonctionnant à l’Hydrogène

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Application de la loi de transition énergétique

21 Oct 2016

Ségolène Royal fixe les critères donnant droit au bonus de constructibilité

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Pourquoi les bâtiments sont au cœur de la transition énergétique

12 Oct 2016

Production d’énergie renouvelable, consommation résidentielle et professionnelle, recharge des véhicules électriques, c’est plus de la moitié de l’énergie qui va passer, dans un sens ou dans un autre, au pied des bâtiments.

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[Vidéo]C’est quoi la transition énergétique ?

10 Oct 2016

Vous débutez sur le sujet de la transition énergétique ? Vous avez deux minutes ?

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Les Blockchain dans l’énergie ?

03 Oct 2016

Dans son article sur les blockchain, Pierre Paperon parle de cette technologie encore un peu jeune dans certains secteurs comme l’Energie.
Pourtant, les bénéfices que pourraient apporter cette technologie, dans l’environnement réglementaire français actuel (ouverture des droits à l’autoconsommation d’électricité) sont énormes.

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