We offer a path to make
your building autonomous in energy

How to make sure you benefit from the best supply in local and renewable energy ?

We study and define with you a fully-integrated solution, taking into account the following:

  • The true configuration of your building and its energetic performance
  • Your specific energy needs, dependant on the usages made by its users
  • The integration of your building within its local environment and the potential sources of energy

This allow us to identify the best technological mix of energy production and storage, made possible thanks to the Smart Energy Hub, by Sylfen.

Finding your building's energy DNA

At first, Sylfen will offer a dynamic analysis of your building's energy needs. This analysis takes into account your electric needs, and also the needs for heat and cold.

To achieve this, we are accounting all sources of production and usage of energy :

  • Your building own's configuration (its thermal performance, the relevant climate & weather conditions)
  • The specific energetic needs of your building's users, in real usage conditions
  • The integration of your building in its local environment, to identify and benefit from potential synergies (parking lot, sharing production and consumption, etc.)

Whether you are working on a new building, or renovating one, we help you make sure you invest in the best possible technologies to suit your needs and potential. Get your building the energy performance you always dreamt for !

Thanks to our unique technological know-how and the proprietary software suite we developed, Sylfen has everything to scale your precise needs in energy storage.

The Smart Energy Hub
a modular system, shipped ready-to-be-used

  • Software suite

    To optimize energy supply from local sources

  • Batteries

    Highly responsive, to provide energy instantaneously

  • Energy processor

    To produce hydrogen whenever there is excess in electricity, and get electricity back (with heat) from cogeneration when you need it

  • Hydrogen storage

    To get MWh of energy at the best cost

Smart Energy Hub

Once the best energetic configuration is chosen, Sylfen connects with design and engineering offices to plan for integration of the Smart Energy Hub to your building.

Thanks to our modular solution, your Smart Energy Hub is produced from standardized industrial elements. They are combined together to answer your specific goal.

We customize the electric and thermal interfaces to fit building's requirement so that your Smart Energy Hub can be connected very easily.

We have also developped a software suite to manage and balance production, storage and usage of energies. You will benefit from a clear reporting of instant production and energy needs.

In summary, we provide you with a tailor-made solution, giving you the satisfaction of consuming your own energy 365 days a year.

Benefits for users

50 to 70% reduction of CO2 emissions

70 to 100% of energy autonomy
for your building

icone valeur immobilière
icone bilan énergétique

Valorisation of your asset
+ 5 to 10%

Environmental balance

Secured reduction of your energetic bill
- 50%

Local and secured energy

icone facture
icone énergie
Smart Energy Hub

A modular solution, shipped to you ready-to-be-used